Friday, July 29, 2011

New Orleans is romantic even when it rains. Especially when it rains.

Friday, July 22, 2011


The phone post worked! I realized I am woefully behind in my reviews. Well all I can say is that it's been one crazy summer. I hope to get things back underway in the next month or so (when the rug rats go back to school) so be sure to check back. I've been reading a lot this summer, especially novellas and short stories in epub format, and I'd like to have some discussion about crafting a relationship in such a short time span. I'll also be submitting my first piece, a short erotic romance set in Regency Scotland, so I'll be blogging from the front lines of first time submitters.

First post from phone

Hello love bugs!
I'm trying out this new mobile service. I hope it will make posting and discussion a little easier for me. I love technology.